Commissioned education
For companies, organisations and authorities aiming to develop their business and staff
The Sociology of Law Department gives various training courses, which are carefully planned together with the client to satisfy specific requirements and are organised via Lund University Commissioned Education.
The courses can be either short or long, ranging from a one-hour course to training over several years. They can be organised for anything from about five to fifty students, be full-time or part-time, located at Lund University or conducted online.
An example is the SIDA-funded international education program Child Rights, Classroom and School Management, concerning the rights of children in the developing world, which was given from 2013 to 2016 and helped train 850 change agents worldwide.
The Sociology of Law Department collaborates with various government departments and agencies, districts, local authorities and private companies on various projects.
Call us about your training needs!
We will be happy to provide information about our areas of expertise and discuss various educational opportunities.
Isabel Schoultz, Head of Department, +46 46-222 88 11
E-mail: Isabel [dot] Schoultz [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se
Anna Lundberg, Head of Department,
+46 70-946 62 30
E-mail: anna [dot] lundberg [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se