Experts for media enquiries
Information for journalists
We can help you clarify and analyze the cause or functionality of laws, rules and norms.
Contact the listed researchers concerning topics related to their expertise. You can also contact the Sociology of Law Department concerning topics not listed.
For high-resolution photos of the department staff, contact theo [dot] hagman-rogowski [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se.
Courts and legal professionals
- Anna Lundberg, Social rights; The interaction between migration law and social law
- Ole Hammerslev, Legal profession
- Håkan Hydén, Courts' verdicts in relation to social norms
- Michael Molavi, Access to justice
- Carlo Nicoli Aldini, The role of courts in social change
- Isabel Schoultz, The European Court of Human Rights
- Anna Sonander, Children's rights in court
- Lena Svenaeus, The Swedish Labour Court; The Court of Justice of the European Union
Child Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Anna Sonander, The Convention of the Rights of the Child; The rights of children and adolescents
- Anna Lundberg, The Convention of the Rights of the Child; Asylum and migration
- Patrik Olsson, The rights of children and adolescents
- Per Wickenberg, Education and Sustainable Development, Global Child Rights Online platform
Corporate crime
- Isabel Schoultz, Corporate crimes and the processes of denial
Corruption and Informality
Criminal gangs
- Anna Lundberg, The asylum process
- Lena Svenaeus, Discrimination jurisprudence
- Isabel Schoultz, Hate crime against the Romani
- Mikael Lundholm, Mortgage credit and foreclosure process
- Davor Vuleta, Economic (in)security
Environmental issues
- Ana Maria Vargas Falla, Resistance to Climate Change Adaptation; Environmental human rights defenders
- Håkan Hydén, Environmental Law; Sustainable development
- Per Wickenberg, Sustainability and Education
- Michael Molavi, Legal mobilization; Environmental justice
- Carlo Nicoli Aldini, Legal mobilization; Environmental justice
Geographical regions:
- Erik Mobrand, Korea and China
- Per Wickenberg, China, Vietnam and India
- Michael Molavi, United Kingdom
Latin America
- Patrik Olsson, Marginalized children and juveniles in Brazil
- Ana Maria Vargas Falla, Colombia
- Ida Nafstad, Cuba
- Ida Nafstad, Legal pluralism in Palestine
Post-Soviet States
- Rustamjon Urinboyev, Corruption and legal pluralism in post-Soviet states; State-society relations in post-Soviet Central Asia
- Sherzod Eraliev, State-society relations; International affairs; Security
North America
- Michael Molavi, Canada, United States of America
Internet / Information technology
- Magnus Eriksson, Internet; Smart urban space
- Patrik Olsson, IT and social change
- Håkan Hydén, New norms and rules
- Amin Parsa, Law and technology
- Oscar Björkenfeldt, Hate and threats directed at journalists online
Law and Society
- Håkan Hydén, The relationship between law and society
- Ole Hammerslev, Legal aid; Barriers to justice; The relationship between law and society
- Anna Lundberg, The relationship between law and society
- Michael Molavi, The relationship between law and society
- Anna Lundberg, Asylum and migration rights
- Carlo Nicoli Aldini, Intra-EU movement of EU citizens
- Rustamjon Urinboyev,
- Martin Joormann
- Amin Parsa
- Davor Vuleta
- Sherzod Eraliev
- Matthias Baier, The relationship between norms and rules
- Håkan Hydén, Norms in general; Courts' verdicts in relation to social norms
- Per Wickenberg, Norms and education
Social Control
- Ida Nafstad, Social control; social exclusion and inclusion
- Patrik Olsson, Social control and deviant behaviour
Working life
- Håkan Hydén, Working-life Regulation
- Lena Svenaeus, Working-life Regulation
Did you not find what you were looking for?
You can also contact the Department of Sociology concerning topics not listed here.
Contact us
Visiting Address:
Allhelgona Kyrkogata 18 C
221 00 Lund, Sweden
(3rd floor)
Postal Address:
Sociology of Law Department
Box 42, 221 00 Lund
E-mail: expedition [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (expedition[at]soclaw[dot]lu[dot]se)
Telephone: +46 46 222 41 55